We had another big snow last night and got around 8 inches!

The boys were excited because they got another snow day! I have to admit that I'm loving all these days off! As a teacher January is a really slow month but it's flying by this year with all of these snow days! I tried to go into this snow day with a better attitude than my last snow day... I knew the boys were going to play in the snow and bring buckets of it into my house so I decided when God
gives me lemons I should make lemonade gives me snow I should make snow ice cream!
Ingredients8 - 10 cups freshly fallen snow
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
DirectionsGather your snow in a big bowl. I prefer to set my bowl outside before the snow falls. Then I pluck my ice cold bowl from the snow and bring it inside. I put my bowl out on my back porch, can you spot it?

Pour in the sweetened condensed milk.

Spoon in the vanilla extract. Look at the concentration on Abbott's face, that kid is going to be a great cook one day!

Stir it together for a few minutes, until it is all the same color and starts to resemble homemade ice cream... it helps if you have a little brother cheering you on!

Andrew likes his snow ice cream plain.

Justin, Abbott, and I like ours with chocolate syrup!

Very sweet post. I live in snowy New England and I have never had snow ice cream!
How does i taste!?. I have been dying to try this one in class if we ever hae school again.
It's actually pretty good Taylor! Have you ever made a milk shake (just milk, ice, and chocolate syrup)? It tastes like that... kind of like a McDonald's Frappe without the coffee flavor.
You should definitely try it! It doesn't taste like real creamy ice cream, buts it is still yummy!
Awesome pictures! Someone must have a really good camera!
Sounds good, but its really bad to eat snow...it has lots of bacteria and can have pollution depending on where you live...could you use shaved ice instead of snow?
This is the second post about snow ice cream I've read today (and I've never heard about it before) I'll have to try it out
Your boys are so handsome!! I was very relieved to see your great snow ice cream post. Here in Alaska, Eskimo snow ice cream is something of an acquired taste (not mine, thats for sure). It is made of rendered fat (moose, or caribou or seal) + snow + berries!! Needless to say it isn't as great tasting as yours.
I've never tried Snow Ice Cream with sweetened condensed milk. I'll have to give it a go. I love your photos!
MMMMMMhhhh I Really love this post your know I am fan of ice cream its very cool.
I am very happy to after read this post. because I am really big fan snow ice cream.
Oh very sweet and tasty food I like this food can thanks for the nice
idea and instruction I love more than.
Yum That's good look and fantastic posting for recipes . beautiful all pics and i love Ice Cream .
I'm from South Carolina and we RARELY get snow- mostly ice storms- but when it does we ALWAYS make snow-Cream. I've recently moved to England with my Brit hubby- and I fully intend to introduce the "Englishters" to it, too!!
As for the snow having bacteria and such....Unless I lived in LA or NYC- I don't think I'd worry about that much- we've eaten it all our lives and seeings how I'm 51 now- it hasn't killed me or made me sick YET!!! :-)
I know this was posted a looong time ago but I just had to comment on it. Its very VERY bad for you to eat snow and you really shouldn't encourage your readers (or kids!) to do so. Just like someone else said, the snow is polluted, has tons of bacteria in it and can make you very sick.
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this is a Very sweet post. I live in snowy New England and I have never had snow ice cream!
Someone must have a really good camera.............
Someone must have a really good camera.............
Cool posting ...
LOVE making (and eating) snow ice cream!! Haven't had a good snow in Arkansas the past few years to make it!!!!
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